Quitting – A Creative Yoga Workshop

Thank you for those who joined, it was a wonderful afternoon of sharing energies and experiences!

Our lives are defined by change. We naturally navigate through new beginnings and endings, constantly in transition, continuously evolving.
In our modern world, our focus tends to be solely on the NEW, as we strive to move forward without any breaks. Standing still seems not only an impossibility, but a tabu. In an ever-accelerating reality we are expected to „go with the flow“ while simultaneously staying true to ourselves. What a balancing act!
Every beginning follows an ending. In order to start something new, we usually should stop something else first. But how much attention do we give to the act of stopping, of „Quitting“?
This workshop is dedicated to celebrating the act of letting go. We will take a closer look at what it means to truly stop, to deconstruct in our search for essence, for truth. 
We will create space to honour our „Quitting Stories“ and experience the potential of becoming „undone“.

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